Tag: league of nations

Jordan Quiz

Flag of Jordan
Jordan Quiz Questions with Answers 1. When did Jordan become independent? a) 22 March 1946 b) 3 April 1822 c) 4 July 1948 d) 10 December 1956 2. Which country is to the north of Jordan? a) Egypt b) Syria c) Yemen d) Sudan 3. Who annexed Nabataea into the Roman Empire in 106 AD? a) Vespasian b) Titus c) Trajan d) Claudius

Iraq Quiz

57e6d7404850b10ff3d8992cc52036761d39c3e45551754f7c2c7bd394 640 Flag of Iraq
1. Which country is to the north of Iraq? a) Egypt b) Yemen c) Qatar d) Turkey 2. Which is the capital of Iraq? a) Mosul b) Tikrit c) Baghdad d) Basra 3. Which is the currency of Iraq? a) Rouble b) Dinar c) Taka d) Peso

Lithuania Quiz

1. When did Lithuania declare independence from USSR? a) 11 March 1990 b) 10 April 1964 c) 12 August 1984 d) 29 November 2001 2. Which sea is to the west of Lithuania? a) Arabian b) Baltic c) Black d) Labrador 3. Which country is to the north of Lithuania? a) Serbia b) Montenegro c) Croatia d) Latvia

Marshall Islands Quiz

1. When did Alvaro Saavedra sight Marshall Islands? a) 1529 b) 1496 c) 1512 d) 1523 2. When did John Marshall explore Marshall Islands? a) 1600 b) 1664 c) 1763 d) 1788 3. When did Marshall Islands become a German protectorate? a) 1914 b) 1886 c) 1945 d) 1872

Lebanon Quiz

Lebanon Quiz Questions 1. How was Lebanon formerly known? a) Gaul b) Teutonia c) Mesopotamia d) Phoenicia 2. Which country is to the east of Lebanon? a) Turkey b) Syria c) Bulgaria d) Cyprus 3. Which sea is to the west of Lebanon? a) Irish b) Baltic c) Mediterranean d) Greenland