Tag: indian prime minister

February 29 Quiz

1) Which of the following is not a leap year? a) 1896 b) 1900 c) 1904 d) 1908 2) Which Indian Prime Minister was born on 29 February? a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) Lal Bahadur Shastri c) Morarji Desai d) Inder Kumar Gujral 3) Who took one day from February and added it to July? a) Julius Caesar b) Pompey c) Sulla d) Cato

Maldives Quiz

1. When did Maldives become independent? a) 9 February 1964 b) 17 June 1976 c) 26 July 1965 d) 22 November 1978 2. Which ocean surrounds Maldives? a) Atlantic b) Pacific c) Indian d) Antarctic 3. Which is the capital of Maldives? a) Addu b) Male c) Huvadhu d) Ari

India Quiz

1) What is the number of states in India? a) 14 b) 16 c) 25 d) 28 2) Which is the first state to be formed on the basis of language? a) Andhra Pradesh b) Bombay c) Madhya Bharat d) Meghalaya 3) When was Burma was separated from India? a) 1948 b) 1901 c) 1937 d) 1945 4) When did India become a republic? a) 1935 b) 1947 c) 1950 d) 1961 5) Which state was divided into Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960? a) Bombay b) Madras c) Mysore d) Hyderabad