Tag: History

Jawaharlal Nehru Quiz

1. When was Jawaharlal Nehru Prime Minister of India? a) 1940-1944 b) 1947-1964 c) 1965-1968 d) 1977-1980 2. When was Jawaharlal Nehru born? a) 29 February 1896 b) 23 April 1897 c) 26 August 1900 d) 14 November 1889 3. Where was Jawaharlal Nehru born? a) Bangalore b) Hyderabad c) Allahabad d) Darjeeling

African National Congress Quiz

The African National Congress was founded as the South African Native National Congress (SANNC) to increase the rights of the black South African population. John Dube, its first president, and poet and author Sol Plaatje are among its founding members. The organization became the ANC in 1923 and formed a military wing, the Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) in 1961. It has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa on the national level since 1994. African National Congress Quiz Questions 1. When was South African Native National Congress founded? a) 8 January 1912 b) 24 May 1893 ... Read more

General Knowledge Quiz – 2

1) Who won the Football World Cup in 1982? a) Brazil b) Argentina c) Germany d) Italy 2) Which country is known as Suomi? a) France b) Finland c) Italy d) Norway 3) Who was the Roman Emperor in 41-54 AD? a) Titus b) Caligula c) Claudius d) Nero

Spain Quiz

1) How many martyrs who died during Spanish Civil War were beatified on 28 October 2007? a) 202 b) 197 c) 498 d) 306 2) Who became the King of Spain in 1975? a) Juan Carlos b) Philip II c) Ferdinand IV d) Louis XVIII 3) When did Spain win Davis Cup for the first time? a) 1998 b) 1999 c) 2000 d) 2002 4) Which of the following is not a co-official language in Spain? a) Basque b) Catalan c) Frisian d) Galician

Hernando Cortes Quiz

1. Where was Hernando Cortes born? a) Medellin, Colombia b) La Paz c) Medellin, Spain d) Tripoli 2. Which university did Hernando Cortes attend? a) University of Salamanca b) University of Barcelona c) University of Madrid d) University of Florence 3. Which city was founded by Hernando Cortes? a) Santa Cruz b) Vera Cruz c) Santiago d) Brasilia

Pedro Alvares Cabral Quiz

1. Where was Pedro Alvares Cabral born? a) Belmonte b) Sines c) Lisbon d) Venice 2. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral begin his voyage to India? a) 9 March 1500 b) 17 May 1496 c) 14 July 1521 d) 7 December 1526 3. Who of the following explorers accompanied Pedro Alvares Cabral in his voyage to India? a) Bartholomeu Dias b) Christopher Columbus c) Ferdinand Magellan d) Vasco da Gama

Michelangelo Quiz

1) When was Michelangelo born? a) 9 April 1472 b) 16 September 1481 c) 19 November 1480 d) 6 March 1475 2) Where was Michelangelo born? a) Budapest b) Nicosia c) Caprese d) Valetta 3) What was Michelangelo’s full name? a) Michaelangelo y pais y noronha y sequeira b) Michelangelo di Ludovico di Lionardo di Buonarroti Simoni c) Michaelangelo Roncalli d) Michaelangelo Cacciavillan

World War I Quiz

1) When was Archduke Ferdinand assassinated? a) 28 June 1914 b) 4 August 1914 c) 6 June 1915 d) 7 July 1916 2) Which gas was used for the first time in World War I? a) Chlorine b) Nitrogen c) Hydrogen d) Helium 3) Which passenger ship of USA was sunk by Germany? a) Titanic b) Lusitania c) Queen Mary d) Repulse

Ranjit Singh Quiz

1. When did Ranjit Singh proclaim himself the maharaja of Punjab? a) 1796 b) 1801 c) 1815 d) 1824 2. When was Ranjit Singh born? a) 9 March 1771 b) 26 April 1776 c) 12 August 1782 d) 13 November 1780 3. When did Ranjit Singh conquer Lahore? a) 1799 b) 1792 c) 1788 d) 1786

Commodus Quiz

1. When was Commodus Roman emperor? a) 180-192 b) 161-169 c) 193-211 d) 146-164 2. When was Commodus born? a) 12 March 122 b) 16 June 170 c) 31 August 161 d) 24 October 176 3. Where was Commodus born? a) Italica b) Lanuvium c) Brindisi d) Actium