Tag: George Washington

George Washington Quiz

1) When was George Washington born? a) 1 January 1730 b) 15 May 1731 c) 22 February 1732 d) 31December 1733 2) Where was George Washington born? a) Orange county b) Westmoreland county c) New Orleans d) Los Angeles 3) After his father’s death in 1743 where did George Washington go to live with his half-brother Lawrence? a) Philadelphia b) New York c) Buffalo d) Mount Vernon

Georgia Quiz

Georgia Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was Georgia founded? a) 1732 b) 1620 c) 1661 d) 1707 2. Who got the charter for founding Georgia? a) Hernando de Soto b) Rufus Bullock c) James Edward Oglethorpe d) Thomas Watson 3. After whom was Georgia named? a) George I b) George II c) George III d) George IV