Tag: European Union

European Union Quiz

European Union Quiz Questions 1. When was European Economic Community formed? a) 25 March 1957 b) 10 May 1945 c) 23 August 1949 d) 30 December 1955 2. Which of the following countries was not an original member of European Economic Community? a) France b) Luxembourg c) Ireland d) Belgium 3. When did Greece join European Economic Community? a) 1972 b) 1988 c) 1987 d) 1981

Sweden Quiz

1) What name was taken by Jean Baptiste Bernadotte when he became king of Sweden in 1818? a) Carl XIV Johan b) Olaf c) Gustav 4) Harald 2) When did Sweden become a member of the European Union? a) 1992 b) 1995 c) 2000 d) 2002 3) Which Swedish Prime Minister was assassinated on 28 February 1986? a) Olof Palme b) Tage Erlander c) Thorbjorn Falldin d) Ola Ullsten

Hungary Quiz

1) Which is the capital of Hungary? a) Amsterdam b) Budapest c) Helsinki d) Riga 2) In which year Warsaw Pact countries invaded Hungary to crush a revolution? a) 1948 b) 1953 c) 1956 d) 1968 3) Who is the patron saint of Hungary? a) St. Stephen b) St. James c) St. George d) St. Thomas

List of Eurozone Countries

1. Austria 2. Belgium 3. Cyprus 4. Estonia 5. Finland 6. France 7. Germany 8. Greece 9. Ireland 10. Italy 11. Latvia 12. Lithuania 13. Luxembourg 14. Malta 15. Netherlands 16. Portugal 17. Slovakia 18. Slovenia 19. Spain