Tag: emperor of ethiopia
Yohannes IV Quiz

1. When was Yohannes IV emperor of Ethiopia? a) 1815-1830 b) 1855-1868 c) 1848-1856 d) 1872-1889 2. When was Yohannes IV’s original name? a) Ras Tafari b) Idris Pasha c) Kassa Mercha d) Farokh Hassan 3. Who was Yohannes IV’s mail rival to the throne of Ethiopia? a) Sahle Miriam b) Haile Malakot c) Haile Selassie d) Bezebeh
Ethiopia Quiz

1. How was Ethiopia formerly known? a) Abyssinia b) Mesopotamia c) Persia d) Bactria 2. Which country is to the south of Ethiopia? a) Egypt b) Kenya c) Jordan d) Lebanon 3. Which is the capital of Ethiopia? a) Addis Ababa b) Jima c) Dese d) Gonder