Tag: Doctor of the Church
St. Therese of Lisieux Quiz

1. When was St. Therese of Lisieux born? a) 2 January 1873 b) 9 April 1871 c) 28 September 1869 d) 5 November 1870 2. Where was St. Therese of Lisieux born? a) Alencon b) Nevers c) Calais d) Rouen 3. Which convent did St. Therese of Lisieux join? a) Dominican b) Carmelite c) Poor Clares d) Medical Mission
St. Teresa of Avila Quiz

1. When was St. Teresa of Avila born? a) 28 March 1515 b) 21 June 1511 c) 19 August 1519 d) 2 November 1520 2. Where was St. Teresa of Avila born? a) Madrid b) Avila c) Barcelona d) Valencia 3. When did St. Teresa of Avila open the first convent of Carmelite Reform? a) 1542 b) 1562 c) 1530 d) 1556