Tag: congregation for the doctrine of the faith
Vatican Quiz

1) Which is the smallest country? a) Luxembourg b) Monaco c) Maldives d) Vatican 2) What is unique about Vatican? a) No navy b) No air force c) No skyscraper d) Zero birth rate 3) Who is the Head of State of Vatican? a) President b) King c) Pope d) Emperor
Clement X Quiz

1. Where was Emilio Altieri born? a) Milan b) Berne c) Rome d) Geneva 2. Of which diocese was Emilio Altieri bishop? a) Madrid b) Cameroni c) Barcelona d) Amsterdam 3. Where was Emilio Altieri auditor? a) Sweden b) Norway c) Finland d) Poland
St. Vincent De Paul Quiz
1) Where did St. Vincent de Paul do his theological studies? a) Sorbonne University b) University of Tolouse c) Urban University d) St. Thomas University 2) Where was St. Vincent de Paul taken after his capture by Turkish pirates in 1605? a) Ankara b) Cario c) Jeddah d) Tunis 3) How are members of Congregation of the Priests of the Mission known? a) Capuchins b) Dominicans c) Jesuits d) Lazarists