Tag: cfa franc

Togo Quiz

Togo Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Togo become independent? a) 14 January 1949 b) 27 April 1960 c) 7 September 1955 d) 17 November 1974 2. Which country is to the west of Togo? a) Ghana b) Burkina Faso c) Benin d) Niger 3. Who established Germany protectorate in Togo? a) Paul von Hindenburg b) Max Hoffman c) Franz von Papen d) Gustav Nachtigal

Burkina Faso Quiz

1. When did Burkina Faso become independent? a) 17 January 1952 b) 11 April 1954 c) 5 August 1960 d) 8 November 1968 2. How was Burkina Faso formerly known? a) Bactria b) Upper Volta c) Scythia d) Chaldea 3. What does Burkina Faso mean? a) Land of the Rising Sun b) Land of the Midnight Sun c) Land of Silver d) Land of Incorruptible People

Equatorial Guinea Quiz

Equatorial Guinea Quiz Questions 1. When did Equatorial Guinea become independent? a) 3 February 1964 b) 17 June 1976 c) 17 August 1960 d) 12 October 1968 2. How was Equatorial Guinea formerly known? a) Spanish Sahara b) Spanish Guinea c) Bohemia d) Transylvania 3. Which is the capital of Equatorial Guinea? a) Kogo b) Luba c) Malabo d) Bata

Cameroon Quiz

1. When did Cameroon become independent? a) 1 January 1960 b) 14 April 1956 c) 17 July 1964 d) 29 October 1972 2. Who founded the city of Victoria in Cameroon and translated the Bible in Douala? a) Alfred Saker b) David Livingstone c) Joseph Merrick d) Robert Moffat 3. When did Fernao do Po sight Cameroon? a) 1492 b) 1453 c) 1472 d) 1498

Mali Quiz

1. When did France conquer Timbuktu? a) 1804 b) 1894 c) 1824 d) 1900 2. How was Mali formerly known? a) Anglo-Egyptian Sudan b) French Sudan c) Siam d) Formosa 3. Which country quit Mali Federation on 20 August 1960? a) Algeria b) Tunisia c) Senegal d) Libya