Tag: cesare borgia

Cesare Borgia Quiz

Portrait of Cesare Borgia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Cesare Borgia Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. Who was Cesare Borgia’s mother? a) Anne de Pisseleu b) Frances Teresa Stuart c) Jeanne Antoinette d) Vannozza Catanei 2. At which university did Cesare Borgia get a degree in canon law and civil law? a) Milan b) Perugia c) Barcelona d) Sorbonne 3. Of which diocese was Cesare Borgia bishop? a) Pamplona b) Madrid c) Cadiz d) Seville 4. Of which archdiocese was Cesare Borgia archbishop? a) Vienna b) Valencia c) Amsterdam d) Brussels 5. What name did Rodrigo Borgia take when he ... Read more