Tag: catherine of aragon

Thomas Wolsey Quiz

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, the principal designer of the Treaty of London (1518) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Thomas Wolsey Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When was Thomas Wolsey lord chancellor of England? a) 1501-1511 b) 1515-1529 c) 1531-1536 d) 1537-1544 2. Where was Thomas Wolsey born? a) Ipswich b) Bath c) Winchester d) Durham 3. Which university did Thomas Wolsey attend? a) Cambridge b) Manchester c) Oxford d) Edinburgh 4. When was Thomas Wolsey ordained a priest? a) 12 October 1492 b) 30 June 1496 c) 14 July 1503 d) 10 March 1498 5. When was Thomas Wolsey consecrated a ... Read more