Tag: Bible

Bible Quizzes | Deborah Quiz

Deborah Quiz Questions with Answers 1. Who was Deborah’s husband? a) Ehud b) Shamgar c) Othniel d) Lapidot 2. Who was the king of Hazor? a) Zebah b) Jabin c) Zalmunna d) Abimelech 3. Whom did Deborah tell to lead the Israelites in the battle against Sisera? a) Saul b) David c) Barak d) Jonathan

Bible Quizzes | Tobit Quiz

Tobit Quiz Questions with Answers 1. Where did Tobit live? a) Babylon b) Shiraz c) Ur d) Nineveh 2. Who was Tobit’s wife? a) Edna b) Dinah c) Hannah d) Judith 3. What good deed did Tobit do that was forbidden by the king? a) Built synagogues b) Buried the dead c) Fed the hungry d) Gave alms

Bible Quizzes | Sodom and Gomorrah Quiz

Sodom and Gomorrah Quiz Questions 1. Where did God tell Abraham he would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin? a) Ur b) Mamre c) Shechem d) Bethel 2. Who asked God whether he would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if ten good men were found? a) Nahor b) Bethuel c) Abraham d) Hagar 3. What did Lot offer to the men who demanded Lot to hand over his guests to them? a) Money b) Daughters c) Gold d) Fields

Bible Quizzes | Esther Quiz

Esther Quiz Questions with Answers 1. Where did Esther live? a) Susa b) Bethlehem c) Jericho d) Ashdod 2. What was Esther’s other name? a) Naomi b) Deborah c) Hadasa d) Lydia 3. Who refused to appear before Ahasuerus? a) Harbona b) Vashti c) Mehuman d) Jethar