Tag: beginning of world war ii

Franklin Roosevelt Quiz

1) How many times was Franklin Roosevelt elected President of USA? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Six 2) When was Franklin Roosevelt born? a) 30 January 1882 b) 5 May 1880 c) 7 August 1884 d) 21 December 1886 3) Where was Franklin Roosevelt born? a) Seattle b) Austin c) New Orleans d) Hyde Park

Pius XII Quiz

Picture taken during a general audience in St. Peter Basilica. Pope Pius XII greets pilgrims (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Pius XII Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1) When was Pius XII elected pope? a) 21 November 1938 b) 2 March 1939 c) 14 August 1940 d) 22 February 1942 2) There were 62 cardinals in the conclave that elected Pius XII pope. How many votes did Pius XII get? a) 61 b) 62 c) 36 d) 43 3) What was the motto of Pius XII? a) Semper Idem b) Deus Caritas Est c) Opus Justitiae Pax d) Christus Regnus 4) ... Read more