Tag: Anne Of Cleves

Anne of Cleves Quiz

Painting of Anne of Cleves, fourth wife of the English King Henry VIII, by Hans Holbein the Younger (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Anne of Cleves Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When was Anne of Cleves born? a) 7 March 1525 b) 9 May 1520 c) 15 September 1515 d) 3 December 1510 2. Where was Anne of Cleves born? a) Xanten b) Dusseldorf c) Ravensberg d) Neuberg 3. Who was Anne of Cleves’ mother? a) Sophia Dorothea b) Eleanor of Aquitaine c) Adelaide of Maurienne d) Maria of Julich Berg 4. What was the reason for marriage of Henry ... Read more