Star Trek Quiz

Star Trek Quiz Questions
1. What is Captain Kirk’s middle name?
(a) Thomas
(b) Robert
(c) Tiberius
(d) Jonathan
2. Who was the Enterprise’s science officer?
(a) Dr. McCoy
(b) Montgomery Scott
(c) Nyota Uhura
(d) T’Pol
3. What is the name of the Klingon’s primary weapon?
(a) Phaser
(b) Bat’leth
(c) Tricorder
(d) Communicator
4. What are “Tribbles”?
(a) Humanoid aliens
(b) Small, furry creatures
(c) Energy beings
(d) Androids
5. Who was the Enterprise’s chief medical officer?
(a) Spock
(b) Montgomery Scott
(c) Dr. Phlox
(d) Nyota Uhura
6. Who is the captain of the USS Enterprise-D?
(a) James T. Kirk
(b) Benjamin Sisko
(c) Jean-Luc Picard
(d) Kathryn Janeway
7. What is Data’s positronic brain capable of?
(a) Telepathy
(b) Time travel
(c) Advanced computation and learning
(d) Shapeshifting
8. What alien race is known for their powerful starships and warlike nature?
(a) Vulcans
(b) Romulans
(c) Andorians
(d) Bajorans
9. Who is the Enterprise-D’s chief engineer?
(a) Data
(b) Worf
(c) Geordi La Forge
(d) William T. Riker
10. What is the name of the omnipotent being that often tests the crew of the Enterprise-D?
(a) The Borg
(b) The Dominion
(c) Q
(d) The Ferengi
11. Who commands the Deep Space Nine station?
(a) Jean-Luc Picard
(b) Benjamin Sisko
(c) Kathryn Janeway
(d) Jonathan Archer
12. What race controls the wormhole near Deep Space Nine?
(a) The Borg
(b) The Dominion
(c) The Ferengi
(d) The Prophets
13. What is the name of the shapeshifting security officer?
(a) Worf
(b) Odo
(c) Jadzia Dax
(d) Miles O’Brien
14. What is the primary enemy in the later seasons of DS9?
(a) The Romulans
(b) The Klingons
(c) The Dominion
(d) The Ferengi
15. What is the symbiont that Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax carry?
(a) A Borg implant
(b) A Bajoran orb
(c) A Trill symbiont
(d) A Ferengi artifact
16. Who is the captain of the USS Voyager?
(a) James T. Kirk
(b) Jean-Luc Picard
(c) Benjamin Sisko
(d) Kathryn Janeway
17. Where is the Voyager stranded?
(a) The Alpha Quadrant
(b) The Beta Quadrant
(c) The Gamma Quadrant
(d) The Delta Quadrant
18. What is the name of Voyager’s holographic doctor?
(a) Data
(b) The Doctor
(c) Geordi La Forge
(d) Odo
19. What former Borg drone joins the Voyager crew?
(a) Worf
(b) Seven of Nine
(c) Data
(d) O’Brien
20. What Maquis member is Voyager’s first officer?
(a) Tuvok
(b) Neelix
(c) Chakotay
(d) Harry Kim
21. Who is the captain of the Enterprise NX-01?
(a) James T. Kirk
(b) Jean-Luc Picard
(c) Jonathan Archer
(d) Benjamin Sisko
22. What species are the primary antagonists in the early seasons of Enterprise?
(a) Klingons
(b) Romulans
(c) Xindi
(d) Borg
23. What is the name of the dog on the Enterprise NX-01?
(a) Spot
(b) Porthos
(c) Number One
(d) Rover
24. What is the Prime Directive?
(a) A rule against interfering with other cultures
(b) A rule to always attack first
(c) A rule to explore new planets
(d) A rule to always negotiate
25. Who is the creator of “Star Trek”?
(a) James Cameron
(b) Christopher Nolan
(c) Damien Chazelle
(d) Gene Roddenberry
Star Trek Quiz Questions with Answers
1. What is Captain Kirk’s middle name?
(c) Tiberius
2. Who was the Enterprise’s science officer?
(d) T’Pol
3. What is the name of the Klingon’s primary weapon?
(b) Bat’leth
4. What are “Tribbles”?
(b) Small, furry creatures
5. Who was the Enterprise’s chief medical officer?
(c) Dr. Phlox
6. Who is the captain of the USS Enterprise-D?
(c) Jean-Luc Picard
7. What is Data’s positronic brain capable of?
(c) Advanced computation and learning
8. What alien race is known for their powerful starships and warlike nature?
(c) Andorians
9. Who is the Enterprise-D’s chief engineer?
(c) Geordi La Forge
10. What is the name of the omnipotent being that often tests the crew of the Enterprise-D?
(c) Q
11. Who commands the Deep Space Nine station?
(b) Benjamin Sisko
12. What race controls the wormhole near Deep Space Nine?
(d) The Prophets
13. What is the name of the shapeshifting security officer?
(b) Odo
14. What is the primary enemy in the later seasons of DS9?
(c) The Dominion
15. What is the symbiont that Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax carry?
(c) A Trill symbiont
16. Who is the captain of the USS Voyager?
(d) Kathryn Janeway
17. Where is the Voyager stranded?
(d) The Delta Quadrant
18. What is the name of Voyager’s holographic doctor?
(b) The Doctor
19. What former Borg drone joins the Voyager crew?
(b) Seven of Nine
20. What Maquis member is Voyager’s first officer?
(c) Chakotay
21. Who is the captain of the Enterprise NX-01?
(c) Jonathan Archer
22. What species are the primary antagonists in the early seasons of Enterprise?
(c) Xindi
23. What is the name of the dog on the Enterprise NX-01?
(b) Porthos
24. What is the Prime Directive?
(a) A rule against interfering with other cultures
25. Who is the creator of “Star Trek”?
(d) Gene Roddenberry