St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Quiz

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Quiz Questions

(St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross is referred by her original name for the times before she entered the convent.)

1. When was Edith Stein born?
a) 30 March 1873
b) 15 April 1886
c) 28 September 1899
d) 12 October 1891

2. Where was Edith Stein born?
a) Warsaw
b) Breslau
c) Hamburg
d) Copenhagen

3. When did Edith Stein renounce Judaism and become an atheist?
a) 1904
b) 1880
c) 1890
d) 1898

4. At which university was Edith Stein a member of the faculty?
a) Berlin
b) Gottingen
c) Freiburg
d) Munich

5. Whose autobiography caused Edith Stein’s conversion?
a) St. Teresa of Avila
b) St. Patrick
c) St. Augustine
d) St. John of the Cross

6. When was Edith Stein baptised?
a) 1 January 1922
b) 24 June 1914
c) 11 July 1919
d) 16 November 1920

7. When did St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross enter the Carmelite Convent at Cologne?
a) 1926
b) 1918
c) 1934
d) 1932

8. Where was St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross transferred in 1938?
a) Brussels
b) Echt
c) Dublin
d) Salamanca

9. Where did St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross die?
a) Auschwitz
b) Tilsit
c) Vienna
d) Rome

10. When was St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross canonized?
a) 4 February 1950
b) 21 May 1966
c) 5 August 1984
d) 11 October 1998

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was Edith Stein born?
d) 12 October 1891

2. Where was Edith Stein born?
b) Breslau

3. When did Edith Stein renounce Judaism and become an atheist?
a) 1904

4. At which university was Edith Stein a member of the faculty?
c) Freiburg

5. Whose autobiography caused Edith Stein’s conversion?
a) St. Teresa of Avila

6. When was Edith Stein baptised?
a) 1 January 1922

7. When did St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross enter the Carmelite Convent at Cologne?
c) 1934

8. Where was St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross transferred in 1938?
b) Echt

9. Where did St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross die?
a) Auschwitz

10. When was St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross canonized?
d) 11 October 1998