St. Telesphorus Quiz

1. Where was St. Telesphorus born?
  • Correct Answer: Terranuova

2. When was St. Telesphorus pope?
  • Correct Answer: 125-136

3. Who preceded St. Telesphorus?
  • Correct Answer: St. Sixtus I

4. Which city was destroyed by the Romans during the papacy of St. Telesphorus?
  • Correct Answer: Carthage

5. Which book credits St. Telesphorus with starting the tradition of Christmas Midnight Mass?
  • Correct Answer: Liber Pontificalis

6. Who persecuted Christians during the papacy of St. Telesphorus?
  • Correct Answer: Hadrian

7. Which liturgical season is said to have been established by St. Telesphorus?
  • Correct Answer: Lent

8. Which hymn did St. Telesphorus make part of the liturgy?
  • Correct Answer: Gloria

9. Where did St. Telesphorus die?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

10. When is the feast day of St. Telesphorus?
  • Correct Answer: 05-Jan