St. Maria Goretti Quiz

St. Maria Goretti Quiz Questions

1. When was St. Maria Goretti born?
a) 15 January 1873
b) 20 April 1886
c) 28 September 1869
d) 16 October 1890

2. Where was St. Maria Goretti born?
a) Florence
b) Venice
c) Corinaldo
d) Padua

3. When was St. Maria Goretti confirmed?
a) 30 March 1893
b) 14 May 1894
c) 22 August 1895
d) 4 October 1896

4. When did St. Maria Goretti receive first communion?
a) 5 February 1894
b) 16 June 1901
c) 24 July 1899
d) 9 November 1898

5. Why was St. Maria Goretti stabbed?
a) Did not hand over money
b) Did not hand over gold
c) Resisted sexual advance
d) Witness to murder

6. When did St. Maria Goretti die?
a) 7 January 1904
b) 8 May 1912
c) 6 July 1902
d) 3 October 1908

7. Where did St. Maria Goretti die?
a) Nettuno
b) Viterbo
c) Turin
d) Perugia

8. Who beatified St. Maria Goretti?
a) Paul VI
b) John XXIII
c) Benedict XV
d) Pius XII

9. When was St. Maria Goretti canonized?
a) 3 February 1961
b) 24 June 1950
c) 12 August 1967
d) 4 December 1964

10. Who of the following have St. Maria Goretti as their patroness?
a) Detectives
b) Soldiers
c) Nurses
d) Modern Youth

St. Maria Goretti Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was St. Maria Goretti born?
d) 16 October 1890

2. Where was St. Maria Goretti born?
c) Corinaldo

3. When was St. Maria Goretti confirmed?
d) 4 October 1896

4. When did St. Maria Goretti receive first communion?
b) 16 June 1901

5. Why was St. Maria Goretti stabbed?
c) Resisted sexual advance

6. When did St. Maria Goretti die?
c) 6 July 1902

7. Where did St. Maria Goretti die?
a) Nettuno

8. Who beatified St. Maria Goretti?
d) Pius XII

9. When was St. Maria Goretti canonized?
b) 24 June 1950

10. Who of the following have St. Maria Goretti as their patroness?
d) Modern Youth