St. Joseph Vaz Quiz

St. Joseph Vaz (Photo credit:

St. Joseph Vaz Quiz Questions

1. When was St. Joseph Vaz born?
a) 15 March 1605
b) 21 April 1651
c) 23 August 1596
d) 30 December 1655

2. Where was St. Joseph Vaz born?
a) Benaulim
b) Bassein
c) Bulsar
d) Baroda

3. Where did St. Joseph Vaz study philosophy and theology?
a) Rachol Seminary
b) St. Paul’s College
c) Pilar Seminary
d) St. Thomas Aquinas College

4. When was St. Joseph Vaz Vicar Forane of Canara?
a) 1627-1657
b) 1654-1672
c) 1681-1684
d) 1707-1714

5. Which congregation did St. Joseph Vaz join?
a) Sulpician
b) Trinitarian
c) Augustinian
d) Oratorian

6. Who appointed St. Joseph Vaz Vicar General of Ceylon?
a) Thomas de Castro
b) Pedro Pacheco
c) Custodio de Pinho
d) Manuel de Sousa

7. When did St. Joseph Vaz die?
a) 16 January 1711
b) 10 June 1708
c) 28 September 1722
d) 12 November 1715

8. Where did St. Joseph Vaz die?
a) Colombo
b) Mangalore
c) Kandy
d) Panjim

9. When was St. Joseph Vaz beatified?
a) 7 May 1953
b) 21 January 1995
c) 31 July 1964
d) 6 October 1848

10. Which of the following is applicable to St. Joseph Vaz?
a) Patriarch of West Indies
b) Apostle of Ceylon
c) Vicar Apostolic of Bijapur and Golconda
d) Prefect Apostolic of Jammu and Kashmir

St. Joseph Vaz Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was St. Joseph Vaz born?
b) 21 April 1651

2. Where was St. Joseph Vaz born?
a) Benaulim

3. Where did St. Joseph Vaz study philosophy and theology?
d) St. Thomas Aquinas College

4. When was St. Joseph Vaz Vicar Forane of Canara?
c) 1681-1684

5. Which congregation did St. Joseph Vaz join?
d) Oratorian

6. Who appointed St. Joseph Vaz Vicar General of Ceylon?
b) Pedro Pacheco

7. When did St. Joseph Vaz die?
a) 16 January 1711

8. Where did St. Joseph Vaz die?
c) Kandy

9. When was St. Joseph Vaz beatified?
b) 21 January 1995

10. Which of the following is applicable to St. Joseph Vaz?
b) Apostle of Ceylon