St. Ferdinand Quiz

(St. Ferdinand is also known as St. Ferdinand III of Castille. Some sources mention 1198 as the year of his birth.)

1. When was St. Ferdinand born?
  • Correct Answer: 5 August 1199

2. Where was St. Ferdinand born?
  • Correct Answer: Zamora

3. How old was St. Ferdinand when he became King of Castille?
  • Correct Answer: 18 years

4. When did St. Ferdinand conquer Cordoba?
  • Correct Answer: 1236

5. When did St. Ferdinand die?
  • Correct Answer: 30 May 1252

6. Where did St. Ferdinand die?
  • Correct Answer: Seville

7. When was St. Ferdinand beatified?
  • Correct Answer: 31 May 1655

8. Who beatified St. Ferdinand?
  • Correct Answer: Alexander VIII

9. Who canonized St. Ferdinand?
  • Correct Answer: Clement X

10. Who of the following have St. Ferdinand as their patron?
  • Correct Answer: Engineers