St. Cornelius Quiz

1. Where was St. Cornelius born?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

2. What was St. Cornelius at the time of his election?
  • Correct Answer: Priest

3. When was St. Cornelius pope?
  • Correct Answer: 251-253

4. Who preceded St. Cornelius?
  • Correct Answer: St. Fabian

5. Who was the antipope opposed to St. Cornelius?
  • Correct Answer: Novatian

6. Of which diocese was St. Cyprian, who supported St. Cornelius, bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Carthage

7. Who began the persecution of Christians during the papacy of St. Cornelius?
  • Correct Answer: Valerian

8. Where did St. Cornelius die?
  • Correct Answer: Centumcellae

9. Who succeeded St. Cornelius?
  • Correct Answer: St. Lucius I

10. When is the feast day of St. Cornelius?
  • Correct Answer: 16-Sep