St. Athanasius Quiz

1. When was St. Athanasius born?
a) c. 114
b) c. 158
c) c. 296
d) c. 450

2. Where was St. Athanasius born?
a) Tyre
b) Sidon
c) Rome
d) Alexandria

3. When did St. Athanasius become a deacon?
a) 146
b) 212
c) 246
d) 319

4. At which council in 325 did St. Athanasius assist his bishop?
a) Chalcedon
b) Nicaea
c) Constance
d) Lateran I

5. Of which patriarchate was St. Athanasius elected patriarch in 326?
a) Alexandria
b) Antioch
c) Jerusalem
d) Venice

6. Who was refused readmission in the Catholic Church by St. Athanasius?
a) Donatus
b) Arius
c) Marcion
d) John Calvin

7. Where did Constantine send St. Athanasius in exile?
a) Tripoli
b) Damascus
c) Treves
d) London

8. How many times was St. Athanasius sent in exile?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Seven

9. When did St. Athanasius die?
a) 5 March 356
b) 2 May 373
c) 22 August 396
d) 12 December 400

10. When is the feast day of St. Athanasius?
a) 2 May
b) 4 December
c) 11 July
d) 5 March

St. Athanasius Quiz Answers

1. When was St. Athanasius born?
c) c. 296

2. Where was St. Athanasius born?
d) Alexandria

3. When did St. Athanasius become a deacon?
d) 319

4. At which council in 325 did St. Athanasius assist his bishop?
b) Nicaea

5. Of which patriarchate was St. Athanasius elected patriarch in 326?
a) Alexandria

6. Who was refused readmission in the Catholic Church by St. Athanasius?
b) Arius

7. Where did Constantine send St. Athanasius in exile?
c) Treves

8. How many times was St. Athanasius sent in exile?
c) Five

9. When did St. Athanasius die?
b) 2 May 373

10. When is the feast day of St. Athanasius?
a) 2 May