Sergius II Quiz

(Sergius II is referred to as Sergius for the times before he became pope.)

1. Who created Sergius cardinal?
  • Correct Answer: Paschal I

2. Who appointed Sergius archpriest?
  • Correct Answer: Gregory IV

3. When was Sergius II pope?
  • Correct Answer: 844-847

4. Who was Sergius II’s rival, elected pope by popular acclamation?
  • Correct Answer: John

5. Who sent an army to punish Sergius II and Roman nobles for breach of Roman Constitution of 824?
  • Correct Answer: Lothair I

6. When did Sergius II crown Louis II the king of the Lombards?
  • Correct Answer: 15 June 844

7. Whom did Sergius II appoint legate to the Frankish kingdoms?
  • Correct Answer: Drogo

8. Of which diocese was Benedict, brother of Sergius II, bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Albano

9. When did the Saracens attack and pillage Rome during the papacy of Sergius II?
  • Correct Answer: 846

10. When did Sergius II die?
  • Correct Answer: 27 January 847