Russia Quiz

1. Who succeeded Boris Yeltsin as President of Russia?
  • Correct Answer: Vladimir Putin

2. When was Moscow Olympics held?
  • Correct Answer: 1980

3. Which city is considered Third Rome?
  • Correct Answer: Moscow

4. Who is the first woman in space?
  • Correct Answer: Valentina Tereshkova

5. Who is the first man in space?
  • Correct Answer: Yuri Gagarin

6. Who won Wimbledon Women’s Singles Title in 2004?
  • Correct Answer: Maria Sharapova

7. Which is the national animal of Russia?
  • Correct Answer: Bear

8. How is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov better known?
  • Correct Answer: Lenin

9. Which James Bond film has the character Tatiana Romanova?
  • Correct Answer: From Russia with love

10. Which dynasty ruled Russia before the 1917 Revolution?
  • Correct Answer: Romanov

11. Which of the following rivers flows in Russia?
  • Correct Answer: Volga

12. Which is the currency of Russia?
  • Correct Answer: Rouble

13. Which military alliance came to an end with the decline of USSR?
  • Correct Answer: Warsaw Pact

14. Which Russian submarine had a tragic end?
  • Correct Answer: Kursk

15. Which revolutionary leader was murdered in Mexico in 1940?
  • Correct Answer: Leon Trotsky

16. Who wrote War and Peace?
  • Correct Answer: Leo Tolstoy

17. How many gold medals were won by Russia in Athens Olympics 2004?
  • Correct Answer: 27

18. What are the colours of Russian flag?
  • Correct Answer: White, blue and red

19. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970?
  • Correct Answer: Alexander Solzhenitsyn

20. Russia has how may time zones?
  • Correct Answer: Eleven

21. Which is the highest mountain in Russia?
  • Correct Answer: Elbrus

22. Which is the deepest lake in the world?
  • Correct Answer: Baikal

23. Which scientist wrote about reflexes?
  • Correct Answer: Ivan Pavlov

24. Who was the Czar of Russia at the time of Napoleon’s invasion?
  • Correct Answer: Alexander I

25. Which is the national flower of Russia?
  • Correct Answer: Camomille