Richard Francis Burton Quiz

Richard Francis Burton Quiz Questions

Undated photograph of Burton, from Men of Mark (London, 1876). In his upper cheek the scar from a spear point driven through his face during a skirmish with Somali tribesmen in 1854. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(This quiz is about English explorer, Orientalist and scholar Richard Francis Burton)

1) When was Richard Francis Burton born?
a) 19 March 1821
b) 4 July 1820
c) 28 June 1814
d) 7 December 1825

2) Where was Richard Francis Burton born?
a) Naples
b) Paris
c) Florence
d) Torquay

3) Which college did Richard Francis Burton attend?
a) William and Mary College
b) King’s College
c) Rhodes College
d) Trinity College

4) In which regiment was Richard Francis Burton subaltern officer?
a) Dogra Regiment
b) Sikh Regiment
c) 18th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry
d) 14th Regiment of Maratha Light Infantry

5) Where was Richard Francis Burton intelligence officer?
a) Bombay
b) Calcutta
c) Karachi
d) Madras

6) Who got intelligence reports from Richard Francis Burton?
a) Charles James Napier
b) William Bentinck
c) Richard Wellesley
d) Mountstuart Elphinstone

7) How did Richard Francis Burton enter Mecca and Medina?
a) Dressed as a king
b) Dressed as a colonel
c) Dressed as an admiral
d) Disguised as a pathan

8) About which church did Richard Francis Burton write in City of the Saints?
a) Anglican
b) Mormon
c) Lutheran
d) Calvinist

9) When did Richard Francis Burton translate Vikram and the Vampire?
a) 1870
b) 1866
c) 1864
d) 1860

10) What did Richard Francis Burton translate in 1885-1888?
a) Iliad
b) Odyssey
c) Arabian Nights
d) Beowulf

Richard Francis Burton Quiz Questions with Answers

Richard Francis Burton (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) When was Richard Francis Burton born?
a) 19 March 1821

2) Where was Richard Francis Burton born?
d) Torquay

3) Which college did Richard Francis Burton attend?
d) Trinity College

4) In which regiment was Richard Francis Burton subaltern officer?
c) 18th Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry

5) Where was Richard Francis Burton intelligence officer?
c) Karachi

6) Who got intelligence reports from Richard Francis Burton?
a) Charles James Napier

7) How did Richard Francis Burton enter Mecca and Medina?
d) Disguised as a pathan

8) About which church did Richard Francis Burton write in City of the Saints?
b) Mormon

9) When did Richard Francis Burton translate Vikram and the Vampire?
a) 1870

10) What did Richard Francis Burton translate in 1885-1888?
c) Arabian Nights