Rhode Island Quiz

1. Who founded Rhode Island?
  • Correct Answer: Roger Williams

2. Which state is to the north of Rhode Island?
  • Correct Answer: Massachusetts

3. Which state is to the west of Rhode Island?
  • Correct Answer: Connecticut

4. What is Rhode Island’s nickname?
  • Correct Answer: Ocean State

5. Which is Rhode Island’s state bird?
  • Correct Answer: Rhode Island Red Chicken

6. What is the motto of Rhode Island?
  • Correct Answer: Hope

7. Which is the capital of Rhode Island?
  • Correct Answer: Providence

8. Which is the highest point in Rhode Island?
  • Correct Answer: Jerimoth Hill

9. When was Rhode Island a country of the Dominion of New England?
  • Correct Answer: 1686-1689

10. When was the Burning of the Gaspee?
  • Correct Answer: 10 June 1772