Raphael Quiz

Raphael Quiz Questions

Raphael (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. What was Raphael’s original name?
a) Raffael Mengs
b) Piero della Francesca
c) Luca Signorelli
d) Raffaello Sanzio

2. When was Raphael born?
a) 7 January 1484
b) 6 April 1483
c) 2 August 1479
d) 14 November 1475

3. Where was Raphael born?
a) Urbino
b) Ravenna
c) Viterbo
d) Palermo

4. Where did Raphael work as an apprentice?
a) Naples
b) Mantua
c) Perugia
d) Bordeaux

5. When did Raphael paint The Marriage of the Virgin?
a) 1492
b) 1504
c) 1498
d) 1512

6. Where did Raphael paint The Madonna of the Goldfinch?
a) Florence
b) Venice
c) Genoa
d) Nicosia

7. Who called Raphael to Rome?
a) Paul III
b) Leo IX
c) Pius VII
d) Julius II

8. When did Raphael decorate Stanza della Segnatura?
a) 1514-1517
b) 1517-1520
c) 1508-1511
d) 1504-1507

9. When did Raphael die?
a) 22 March 1529
b) 6 April 1520
c) 17 September 1536
d) 18 December 1525

10. Where did Raphael die?
a) Turin
b) Bari
c) Rome
d) Trieste

Raphael Quiz Questions with Answers

Crocefissione (Raffaello Sanzio) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. What was Raphael’s original name?
d) Raffaello Sanzio

2. When was Raphael born?
b) 6 April 1483

3. Where was Raphael born?
a) Urbino

4. Where did Raphael work as an apprentice?
c) Perugia

5. When did Raphael paint The Marriage of the Virgin?
b) 1504

6. Where did Raphael paint The Madonna of the Goldfinch?
a) Florence

7. Who called Raphael to Rome?
d) Julius II

8. When did Raphael decorate Stanza della Segnatura?
c) 1508-1511

9. When did Raphael die?
b) 6 April 1520

10. Where did Raphael die?
c) Rome