Punjab Quiz

1. Which state is to the north of Punjab?
  • Correct Answer: Jammu and Kashmir

2. Which country is to the west of Punjab?
  • Correct Answer: Pakistan

3. Which state was joined to Punjab in 1956?
  • Correct Answer: PEPSU

4. Who was Punjab’s chief minister in 1956-1964?
  • Correct Answer: Pratap Singh Kairon

5. Which state was separated from Punjab in 1966?
  • Correct Answer: Haryana

6. Which is the capital of Punjab?
  • Correct Answer: Chandigarh

7. Which president of India was from Punjab?
  • Correct Answer: Zail Singh

8. Which is the official language of Punjab?
  • Correct Answer: Punjabi

9. When was Operation Blue Star
  • Correct Answer: 06 June 1984

10. What is the area of Punjab?
  • Correct Answer: 19,445 sq. mi.