Bible Quizzes | Jeremiah Quiz

Prophet Jeremiah, Russian icon from first quarter of 18th cen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jeremiah Quiz Questions

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1. Where was Jeremiah born?
a) Tekoa
b) Lystra
c) Anathoth
d) Bethel

2. Who was Jeremiah’s father?
a) Samuel
b) Hilkiah
c) Aaron
d) Jonah

3. When did Jeremiah begin his ministry?
a) 586 BC
b) 598 BC
c) 626 BC
d) 722 BC

4. Who was the King of Judah when Jeremiah began his ministry?
a) Asa
b) Jehoram
c) Uzziah
d) Josiah

5. What did Jeremiah say when he was called to be prophet?
a) I do not know how to speak for I am only a child.
b) Speak Lord your servant hears.
c) Here I am, send me.
d) Blessed be the name of God.

6. Who was the King of Judah when Jeremiah prophesied God will destroy the Temple of Jerusalem?
a) Hezekiah
b) Jehoiakim
c) Amon
d) Jotham

7. Where did the Babylonians defeat the Egyptians in 605 BC?
a) Antioch
b) Nineveh
c) Shiraz
d) Carchemish

8. Who took the yoke off Jeremiah’s neck and broke it?
a) Hananiah
b) Zedekiah
c) Malachi
d) Pashur

9. Who was Jeremiah’s scribe?
a) Immer
b) Gedaliah
c) Baruch
d) Jehoahaz

10. Who took Jeremiah to Egypt?
a) Joiada
b) Paseah
c) Kareah
d) Johanan

Jeremiah Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Where was Jeremiah born?
c) Anathoth

2. Who was Jeremiah’s father?
b) Hilkiah

3. When did Jeremiah begin his ministry?
c) 626 BC

4. Who was the King of Judah when Jeremiah began his ministry?
d) Josiah

5. What did Jeremiah say when he was called to be prophet?
a) I do not know how to speak for I am only a child.

6. Who was the King of Judah when Jeremiah prophesied God will destroy the Temple of Jerusalem?
b) Jehoiakim

7. Where did the Babylonians defeat the Egyptians in 605 BC?
d) Carchemish

8. Who took the yoke off Jeremiah’s neck and broke it?
a) Hananiah

9. Who was Jeremiah’s scribe?
c) Baruch

10. Who took Jeremiah to Egypt?
d) Johanan