Profession Quiz – III

1. What does a draper do?
  • Correct Answer: Sells cloth

2. What does a cowherd do?
  • Correct Answer: Tends cows

3. What does a greengrocer do?
  • Correct Answer: Sells vegetables and fruit

4. What does a haberdasher do?
  • Correct Answer: Sells small articles for sewing or men’s outfits

5. What does a manicurist do?
  • Correct Answer: Trims and polishes fingernails

6. What does a pedicurist do?
  • Correct Answer: Treats feet and toes

7. What does a taxidermist do?
  • Correct Answer: Prepares, stuffs, and mounts the skins of animals

8. What does a joiner do?
  • Correct Answer: Constructs articles by joining pieces of wood

9. What does a tailor do?
  • Correct Answer: Stitches clothes

10. What does a plumber do?
  • Correct Answer: Instals, maintains, and repairs water, sewage and drainage systems