Theodore II Quiz

1. Where was Theodore II born?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

2. What was Theodore II’s father’s name?
  • Correct Answer: Photius

3. What was the name of Theodore II’s brother who was a bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Theotius

4. Who ordained Theodore II a priest?
  • Correct Answer: Stephen V

5. When was Theodore II pope?
  • Correct Answer: 897

6. Which synod’s acts were condemned by the synod called by Theodore II?
  • Correct Answer: Cadaver Synod

7. What long was Theodore II’s papacy?
  • Correct Answer: 20 days

8. Which former pope’s body was retrieved and buried at St. Peter’s Basilica by Theodore II?
  • Correct Answer: Formosus

9. Where did Theodore II die?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

10. Who succeeded Theodore II?
  • Correct Answer: John IX