St. Leo I Quiz

1. What was St. Leo I’s father’s name?
  • Correct Answer: Quintianus

2. Who sent St. Leo I to Gaul to settle a dispute between Aetius and Albinus?
  • Correct Answer: Valentinian III

3. When was St. Leo I pope?
  • Correct Answer: 440-461

4. When was St. Leo I consecrated pope?
  • Correct Answer: 29 September 440

5. Against whom did St. Leo I write a treatise on 21 July 447?
  • Correct Answer: Priscillianists

6. Of which patriarchate Dioscorus, who supported Eutyches, was patriarch?
  • Correct Answer: Alexandria

7. Which ecumenical council was held during the papacy of St. Leo I?
  • Correct Answer: Chalcedon

8. Who was the king of Huns whom St. Leo I met and asked not to march to Rome?
  • Correct Answer: Attila

9. Who was the metropolitan of Gaul overruled by St. Leo I?
  • Correct Answer: St. Hilary of Arles

10. When did St. Leo I die?
  • Correct Answer: 10 November 461