St. Dionysius Quiz

1. What was St. Dionysius at the time of his election?
  • Correct Answer: Priest

2. When was St. Dionysius pope?
  • Correct Answer: 259-268

3. When was St. Dionysius elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 22 July 259

4. Who were suffering from Persian invasion and received funds from St. Dionysius?
  • Correct Answer: Christians in Cappadocia

5. Whom did St. Dionysius ask to answer to the charge of tritheism?
  • Correct Answer: St. Dionysius of Alexandria

6. Who issued the edict of toleration during the papacy of St. Dionysius?
  • Correct Answer: Gallienus

7. Who of the following was condemned by St. Dionysius?
  • Correct Answer: Paul of Samosata

8. When did St. Dionysius die?
  • Correct Answer: 26 December 268

9. Where did St. Dionysius die?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

10. When is the feast day of St. Dionysius?
  • Correct Answer: 06 December