St. Damasus I Quiz

1. When was St. Damasus I pope?
  • Correct Answer: 366-384

2. When did St. Damasus I become pope?
  • Correct Answer: 1 October 366

3. Who was the antipope elected in opposition to St. Damasus I?
  • Correct Answer: Ursinus

4. When did Theodosius I issue the edict “De fide Catholica”?
  • Correct Answer: 27 February 380

5. Which language was introduced as the language of the mass during the papacy of St. Damasus I?
  • Correct Answer: Latin

6. Of which diocese Apollinaris, whose teachings were condemned by a synod, bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Laodicea

7. Where did the second ecumenical council meet in 381?
  • Correct Answer: Constantinople

8. Who of the following was St. Damasus I’s secretary?
  • Correct Answer: St. Jerome

9. When did St. Damasus I die?
  • Correct Answer: 11 December 384

10. Which of the following is true of St. Damasus I?
  • Correct Answer: First pope to refer to Rome as the apostolic see