Sabinian Quiz

1. Where was Sabinian born?
  • Correct Answer: Blera

2. What was Sabinian’s father’s name?
  • Correct Answer: Bonus

3. Who sent Sabinian as nuncio to Constantinople?
  • Correct Answer: St. Gregory I

4. Who was the patriarch of Constantinople when Sabinian was in Constantinople?
  • Correct Answer: John IV the Faster

5. When was Sabinian pope?
  • Correct Answer: 604-606

6. When was Sabinian consecrated pope?
  • Correct Answer: 13 September 604

7. Who was the Byzantine emperor during the papacy of Sabinian?
  • Correct Answer: Phocas

8. How many bishops did Sabinian consecrate?
  • Correct Answer: 26

9. Who was the king of Lombards during the papacy of Sabinian?
  • Correct Answer: Agilulph

10. When did Sabinian die?
  • Correct Answer: 22 February 606