Pelagius II Quiz

1. What was Pelagius II’s father’s name?
  • Correct Answer: Wingild

2. When was Pelagius II pope?
  • Correct Answer: 579-590

3. How long did Pelagius II wait for imperial confirmation after his election as pope?
  • Correct Answer: Four months

4. When was Pelagius II consecrated pope?
  • Correct Answer: 26 November 579

5. Who was the Byzantine emperor unable to help Pelagius II against Lombards?
  • Correct Answer: Tiberius II

6. Of which diocese was Aunacharius, to whom Pelagius II wrote to use his influence with Frankish kings to help Italy against Lombards, bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Auxerre

7. Whose assumption of the title ecumenical patriarch at a synod in 588 did Pelagius II protest?
  • Correct Answer: John IV

8. Which schism did Pelagius II try to end?
  • Correct Answer: Three Chapters

9. When did Pelagius II die?
  • Correct Answer: 7 February 590

10. What caused Pelagius II’s death?
  • Correct Answer: Plague