Pelagius I Quiz

1. Who appointed Pelagius nuncio?
  • Correct Answer: Agapetus I

2. Of which patriarchate was Paul who was deposed by the Synod of Gaza in 542 was patriarch?
  • Correct Answer: Alexandria

3. Whom did Pelagius persuade to spare the Romans?
  • Correct Answer: Totila

4. Who excommunicated Pelagius?
  • Correct Answer: Vigilius

5. Who imprisoned Pelagius?
  • Correct Answer: Justinian I

6. When was Pelagius I pope?
  • Correct Answer: 556-561

7. When was Pelagius I consecrated pope?
  • Correct Answer: 16 April 556

8. What caused schism during the papacy of Pelagius I?
  • Correct Answer: Three Chapters Controversy

9. Who refused to arrest Paulinus, bishop of Aquileia?
  • Correct Answer: Narses

10. When did Pelagius I die?
  • Correct Answer: 4 March 561