John XIX Quiz

(John XIX is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. To which family did Romano belong?
  • Correct Answer: Tusculani

2. Which pope was Romano’s brother?
  • Correct Answer: Benedict VIII

3. What was Romano when he was chosen to become pope?
  • Correct Answer: Layman

4. When was John XIX pope?
  • Correct Answer: 1024-1032

5. When did John XIX crown Conrad II emperor?
  • Correct Answer: 26 March 1027

6. Which see lost its status as patriarchate in 1027 and regained in 1029?
  • Correct Answer: Grado

7. Whose feast was raised to the rank of an Apostle by John XIX?
  • Correct Answer: St. Martial

8. Of which diocese was St. Martial the first bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Limoges

9. Who sent gifts to John XIX to recognize the patriarch of Constantinople as ecumenical patriarch?
  • Correct Answer: Basil II

10. Who caused the pope’s name to be erased from the diptychs of the churches of Constantinople?
  • Correct Answer: Eustachius