John IX Quiz

(John IX is referred to as John for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was John born?
  • Correct Answer: Tivoli

2. What was John’s father’s name?
  • Correct Answer: Rampoald

3. Which order did John join?
  • Correct Answer: Benedictine

4. When was John IX pope?
  • Correct Answer: 898-900

5. Who was John IX’s rival, excommunicated by John IX and later became pope?
  • Correct Answer: Sergius III

6. Who was the pope rehabilitated and declared valid by John IX?
  • Correct Answer: Formosus

7. Whom did the Synod of Rome called by John IX support as emperor?
  • Correct Answer: Lambert

8. Which synod’s acts were nullified by the Synod of Ravenna called by John IX?
  • Correct Answer: Cadaver Synod

9. Which region was given hierarchy by John IX?
  • Correct Answer: Moravia

10. Which custom was forbidden by John IX?
  • Correct Answer: Plundering palaces of dead bishops