John II Quiz

1. What was Mercurius’ father’s name?
  • Correct Answer: Projectus

2. At which basilica was Mercurius priest?
  • Correct Answer: St. Clement’s

3. Why did Mercurius change his name on becoming pope?
  • Correct Answer: Name of a pagan god was inappropriate for a pope

4. When was John II pope?
  • Correct Answer: 533-535

5. When did John II become pope?
  • Correct Answer: 2 January 533

6. Whom did John II excommunicate?
  • Correct Answer: Acoemeti

7. Which formula did John II approve?
  • Correct Answer: One of the Trinity was crucified

8. Where did 217 bishops meet in 535?
  • Correct Answer: Carthage

9. When did John II die?
  • Correct Answer: 8 May 535

10. Which of the following is true of John II?
  • Correct Answer: First pope to change his name