Innocent IV Quiz

(Innocent IV is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Sinibaldo Fieschi born?
  • Correct Answer: Genoa

2. Which subject did Sinibaldo Fieschi master?
  • Correct Answer: Canon Law

3. Of which diocese was Sinibaldo Fieschi bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Albenga

4. Who created Sinibaldo Fieschi cardinal?
  • Correct Answer: Gregory IX

5. When was Innocent IV elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 25 June 1243

6. Where did the ecumenical council in 1245 take place?
  • Correct Answer: Lyon

7. Who undertook a crusade at the behest of Innocent IV and was imprisoned?
  • Correct Answer: Louis IX

8. Who was the head of the mission to the Great Khan of Mongols sent by Innocent IV?
  • Correct Answer: Giovanni Carpini

9. When did Innocent IV die?
  • Correct Answer: 7 December 1254

10. Where did Innocent IV die?
  • Correct Answer: Naples