Honorius II Quiz

(Honorius II is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Lamberto Scannabecchi born?
  • Correct Answer: Fagnano

2. Of which diocese was Lamberto Scannabecchi bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Ostia

3. Who created Lamberto Scannabecchi cardinal?
  • Correct Answer: Paschal II

4. Who sent Lamberto Scannabecchi to Germany?
  • Correct Answer: Callixtus II

5. Which controversy did Lamberto Scannabecchi help end at the Concordat of Worms?
  • Correct Answer: Investiture

6. Honorius II offered to resign when his election was challenged by a faction of cardinals. When did the cardinals reelect Honorius II?
  • Correct Answer: 20 December 1124

7. Who was elected German king in 1125?
  • Correct Answer: Lothair II

8. Who was the rival of Lothair II excommunicated by Honorius II?
  • Correct Answer: Conrad III

9. Who declared himself duke of Apulia in 1127?
  • Correct Answer: Roger II

10. When did Honorius II die?
  • Correct Answer: 13 February 1130