Honorius I Quiz

1. When was Honorius I pope?
  • Correct Answer: 625-638

2. When was Honorius I elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 27 October 625

3. Whom did Honorius I send to Wessex to preach the gospel?
  • Correct Answer: St. Birinus

4. Who was the archbishop of York to receive pallium from Honorius I?
  • Correct Answer: St. Paulinus

5. Whom did Honorius I persuade to accept Roman liturgy and date of Easter?
  • Correct Answer: Celts

6. Of which kingdom was Edwin, to whom Honorius I wrote a letter, was king?
  • Correct Answer: Northumbria

7. When did Patriarch Sergius of Constantinople propose to Honorius I that both East and West support the doctrine of “one will” in Christ?
  • Correct Answer: 634

8. To which council’s teaching did Honorius I refer to reply to the proposal of Patriarch Sergius of Constantinople?
  • Correct Answer: Chalcedon

9. When did Honorius I die?
  • Correct Answer: 12 October 638

10. Which ecumenical council condemned Honorius I as heretic?
  • Correct Answer: Constantinople III