Gregory IX Quiz

(Gregory IX is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Which pope was Ugolino Di Segni’s uncle?
  • Correct Answer: Innocent III

2. Which university did Ugolino Di Segni’s attend?
  • Correct Answer: Paris

3. Of which diocese was Ugolino Di Segni bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Ostia

4. Where was Ugolino Di Segni legate?
  • Correct Answer: Germany

5. To whom was Ugolino Di Segni’s cardinal protector?
  • Correct Answer: Franciscans

6. Who took a cross from Ugolino Di Segni as a symbol to lead a crusade?
  • Correct Answer: Frederick II

7. When was Gregory IX elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 19 March 1227

8. When did Gregory IX excommunicate Frederick II?
  • Correct Answer: 29 September 1227

9. To whom did Gregory IX entrust the operations of the Inquisition?
  • Correct Answer: Dominicans

10. When did Gregory IX die?
  • Correct Answer: 22 August 1241