Celestine II Quiz

(Celestine II is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Guido De Castellis born?
  • Correct Answer: Citta di Castello

2. Who of the following taught Guido De Castellis?
  • Correct Answer: Peter Abelard

3. Who created Guido De Castellis cardinal?
  • Correct Answer: Honorius II

4. Who of the following was protected by Guido De Castellis?
  • Correct Answer: Arnold of Brescia

5. Where was Guido De Castellis papal legate in 1140?
  • Correct Answer: France

6. When was Celestine II elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 26 September 1143

7. Whose interdict was removed by Celestine II?
  • Correct Answer: Louis VII

8. Which church’s library got 56 volumes from Celestine II?
  • Correct Answer: San Florido

9. When did Celestine II die?
  • Correct Answer: 8 March 1144

10. Where did Celestine II die?
  • Correct Answer: Rome