Callixtus II Quiz

(Callixtus II is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Guy De Bourgnone born?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

2. Of which archdiocese was Guy De Bourgnone appointed archbishop?
  • Correct Answer: Vienne

3. Who created Guy De Bourgnone cardinal?
  • Correct Answer: Paschal II

4. Where was Guy De Bourgnone papal legate?
  • Correct Answer: France

5. When was Callixtus II elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 1 February 1119

6. Where was Callixtus II elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: Cluny

7. Where did Callixtus II hold a synod that condemned lay investiture?
  • Correct Answer: Reims

8. When was the Concordat of Worms signed?
  • Correct Answer: 1122

9. Which ecumenical council was held in 1123?
  • Correct Answer: Lateran I

10. Which bull of Callixtus II gave protection to Roman Jews?
  • Correct Answer: Etsi Judaeis