Pius XI Quiz

(Pius XI is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1) When was Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti born?
a) 4 April 1856
b) 31 May 1857
c) 6 June 1866
d) 29 November 1822

2) Where was Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti born?
a) Turin
b) Desio
c) Bombay
d) Lisbon

3) To which country was Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti sent as Apostolic Visitor in 1918?
a) Ireland
b) Holland
c) Poland
d) Germany

4) When did Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti become the Archbishop of Milan?
a) 1912
b) 1914
c) 1918
d) 1921

5) When was Pius XI elected pope?
a) 14 December 1925
b) 3 April 1926
c) 7 July 1917
d) 6 February 1922

6) By which encyclical Pius XI establish the feast of Christ the King?
a) Lux Veritatis
b) Quas Primas
c) Vigilanti Cura
d) Rerum Ecclesiae

7) Which treaty was signed between Vatican and Italy on 11 February 1929?
a) Treaty of Naples
b) Lateran Treaty
c) Vatican Treaty
d) Treaty of Brussels

8) Which academy was founded by Pius XI in 1936?
a) Academy of Motion Picture Science and Arts
b) Pontifical Academy of Sciences
c) Kendra Sahitya Academy
d) Academy of Fine Arts

9) Which encyclical was issued by Pius XI on 15 May 1931?
a) Rerum Novarum
b) Mortalium Animos
c) Divini Redemptoris
d) Quadragesimo Anno

10) When did Pius XI die?
a) 5 May 1936
b) 4 October 1938
c) 7 December 1941
d) 10 February 1939

Pius XI Quiz Answers

1) When was Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti born?
b) 31 May 1857

2) Where was Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti born?
b) Desio

3) To which country was Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti sent as Apostolic Visitor in 1918?
c) Poland

4) When did Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti become the Archbishop of Milan?
d) 1921

5) When was Pius XI elected pope?
d) 6 February 1922

6) By which encyclical Pius XI establish the feast of Christ the King?
b) Quas Primas

7) Which treaty was signed between Vatican and Italy on 11 February 1929?
b) Lateran Treaty

8) Which academy was founded by Pius XI in 1936?
b) Pontifical Academy of Sciences

9) Which encyclical was issued by Pius XI on 15 May 1931?
d) Quadragesimo Anno

10) When did Pius XI die?
d) 10 February 1939