Philipp Melanchthon Quiz

Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Philipp Melanchthon was a German reformer, collaborator with Martin Luther, the first systematic theologian of the Protestant Reformation, intellectual leader of the Lutheran Reformation, and an influential designer of educational systems. He stands next to Luther and Calvin as a reformer, theologian, and molder of Protestantism. Along with Luther, he is the primary founder of Lutheranism. – Wikipedia

Philipp Melanchthon Quiz Questions

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1. What was Philipp Melanchthon’s original name?
a) Georg Schwartzerd
b) Philipp Schwartzerd
c) Peter Lombard
d) Johannes Reuchlin

2. When was Philipp Melanchthon born?
a) 15 February 1497
b) 3 May 1504
c) 22 July 1498
d) 1 December 1501

3. Where was Philipp Melanchthon born?
a) Leipzig
b) Heidelberg
c) Bretten
d) Rostock

4. What does Melanchthon mean?
a) White sand
b) Goldsmith
c) Tailor
d) Black earth

5. Where did Philipp Melanchthon do M.A.?
a) Konigsberg
b) Tubingen
c) Jena
d) Marburg

6. When did Philipp Melanchthon publish Loci communes rerum theologicarum?
a) 1517
c) 1492
d) 1498
d) 1521

7. Which of the following documents was prepared by Philipp Melanchthon?
a) Augsburg Confession
b) Exsurge Domine
c) Decet Romanum Pontificem
d) Schmalkaldic Articles

8. What was Philipp Melanchthon’s answer to Sorbonne’s condemnation of statements of Martin Luther?
a) Treatise on the Power and Primary of Pope
b) Commentary on Paul’s Letter to Romans
c) Against the Furious Decree of Parisian Theologasters
d) Commentary on Paul’s Letter to Colossians

9. When did Philipp Melanchthon die?
a) 23 January 1564
b) 19 April 1560
c) 23 September 1556
d) 6 November 1572

10. Where was Philipp Melanchthon buried?
a) Frankfurt
b) Cologne
c) Griefswald
d) Wittenberg

Philipp Melanchthon Quiz Questions with Answers

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1. What was Philipp Melanchthon’s original name?
b) Philipp Schwartzerd

2. When was Philipp Melanchthon born?
a) 15 February 1497

3. Where was Philipp Melanchthon born?
c) Bretten

4. What does Melanchthon mean?
d) Black earth

5. Where did Philipp Melanchthon do M.A.?
b) Tubingen

6. When did Philipp Melanchthon publish Loci communes rerum theologicarum?
d) 1521

7. Which of the following documents was prepared by Philipp Melanchthon?
a) Augsburg Confession

8. What was Philipp Melanchthon’s answer to Sorbonne’s condemnation of statements of Martin Luther?
c) Against the Furious Decree of Parisian Theologasters

9. When did Philipp Melanchthon die?
b) 19 April 1560

10. Where was Philipp Melanchthon buried?
d) Wittenberg