Pennsylvania Quiz

1. Who signed the charter granting Pennsylvania to William Penn?
  • Correct Answer: Charles II

2. When was the charter granting Pennsylvania to William Penn proclaimed?
  • Correct Answer: 2 April 1681

3. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
  • Correct Answer: Philadelphia

4. Which state is to the north of Pennsylvania?
  • Correct Answer: New York

5. What is the motto of Pennsylvania?
  • Correct Answer: Virtue, liberty and independence

6. Which is the capital of Pennsylvania?
  • Correct Answer: Harrisburg

7. Which is the highest point in Pennsylvania?
  • Correct Answer: Mount Davis

8. Where did Edwin Laurentine Drake drill the world’s first successful oil well?
  • Correct Answer: Louisville

9. Where did John Buford defeat Robert Lee in a battle in 1863?
  • Correct Answer: Gettysburg

10. When was the University of Pennsylvania founded?
  • Correct Answer: 1740