Pedro Alvares Cabral Quiz

Pedro Alvares Cabral

Pedro Alvares Cabral Quiz Questions

Lithography of Pedro Álvares Cabral, the Portu...
Lithography of Pedro Álvares Cabral, the Portuguese navigator. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. Where was Pedro Alvares Cabral born?
a) Belmonte
b) Sines
c) Lisbon
d) Venice

2. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral begin his voyage to India?
a) 9 March 1500
b) 17 May 1496
c) 14 July 1521
d) 7 December 1526

3. Who of the following explorers accompanied Pedro Alvares Cabral in his voyage to India?
a) Bartholomeu Dias
b) Christopher Columbus
c) Ferdinand Magellan
d) Vasco da Gama

4. What did Pedro Alvares Cabral call the mountain he sighted on 22 April 1500?
a) Monte Carlo
b) Monte Cristo
c) Monte Pascoal
d) Monte Negro

Pedro Álvares Cabral sees the land that would ...
Pedro Álvares Cabral sees the land that would later be known as Brazil for the first time. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral land on Brazil?
a) 9 February 1493
b) 23 April 1500
c) 3 September 1521
d) 25 November 1524

6. Pedro Alvares Cabral believed he had landed on an island. What name did he give to the place he landed?
a) Island of Vera Cruz
b) Island of Santa Cruz
c) Trinity Island
d) St. Mary’s Island

7. How many ships were lost in the storm around Cape of Good Hope on 24 May 1500?
a) Two
b) Four
c) Five
d) Seven

Depiction of the 2nd Portuguese India Armada (fleet of Pedro Alvares Cabral, 1500) from the Livro de Lisuarte de Abreu (held by Pierpont Morgan Library) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

8. Where did Pedro Alvares Cabral reach on 16 July 1500?
a) Sofala
b) Dubai
c) Muscat
d) Karachi

9. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral land in Lisbon after his return from India?
a) 25 March 1502
b) 23 June 1501
c) 18 August 1494
d) 12 October 1526

10. Where did Pedro Alvares Cabral die?
a) Brasilia
b) Porto Seguro
c) Cannanore
d) Santarem

Pedro Alvares Cabral Quiz Questions with Answers

Português: Monumento à Pedro Álvares Cabral na Glória, Rio de Janeiro (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. Where was Pedro Alvares Cabral born?
a) Belmonte

2. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral begin his voyage to India?
a) 9 March 1500

3. Who of the following explorers accompanied Pedro Alvares Cabral in his voyage to India?
a) Bartholomeu Dias

4. What did Pedro Alvares Cabral call the mountain he sighted on 22 April 1500?
c) Monte Pascoal

5. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral land on Brazil?
b) 23 April 1500

6. Pedro Alvares Cabral believed he had landed on an island. What name did he give to the place he landed?
a) Island of Vera Cruz

7. How many ships were lost in the storm around Cape of Good Hope on 24 May 1500?
b) Four

8. Where did Pedro Alvares Cabral reach on 16 July 1500?
a) Sofala

9. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral land in Lisbon after his return from India?
b) 23 June 1501

10. Where did Pedro Alvares Cabral die?
d) Santarem

Photo by Portuguese_eyes

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